Monday, August 30, 2004

This is so ... just read!

Hey guys!

A few posts down you will find an article entitled, "Socialism is on the way". The link posted below is so amazing to me. It is from the Communist Party USA and the article is titled: Socialism USA and it is all about why they think socialism is the answer to capitalism. Now I have not yet got to the "meat and potatoes" of my findings, bear with me ... they are Bush haters and (yep) Kerry supporters!

I urge you to click on the link below and then explore the site. See what they are about ... and tell everyone that values life in our free society.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Random Thoughts from Nathan

Has my creative spirit died? Where is it? Where is my love for creative writing, good stories? My mind has now come to a rate where it speeds along in an unslowing, unchanging pace, how have I come to this place?

I must write...

The General Welfare of Humanity/Peace- In life, there are things which drive men, things that men seek; but what among those things is worth anything, without peace? Is it really so great, if you have everything, but cannot sleep for the tumultuous noise inside your stylishly empty head.

In society, men must have peace, they are designed that way, they are designed searching for peace. Governments seek to secure that peace, they seek to preserve your right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." They must do that with the restriction of peoples rights, and the placing of certain boundaries.

While I may think that I could pursue happiness best through the robbing and molestation of the person next to me, that would not ensure his ability to have life and pursuit of happiness. So, for the good of both of us, my desire to seek happiness through the misfortune of others must be curbed. If everyone was merely left to his own devices, then he would naturally seek evil, for man is evil. What are civil rights? They are what the government has given, the government deals them out. In an oppressive tyrannical government, those rights may be few, in an open system, many.

We are called to submit to our governing authorities, whether Nero, or Bush, King George, or John Kerry; we are to submit to them.

Friday, August 13, 2004

A Vote for life?

By Crystal Broyles
August, 12, 2004

Last week during a passing conversation with a woman, I realized that she held the life of a U.S. soldier higher than she did the life of an unborn American child. This realization came to me when she told me who she was going to cast her presidential ballot for this year and why. She said that she didn’t trust Bush and was going to vote for John Kerry. Her reason was that she had already seen what Bush could do and she was sick of young American men and woman being killed in the Middle East. She feels as though her vote for John Kerry opposed to George Bush is a vote in favor of saving life.

When I heard her reasoning a pang struck deep into me. This dear woman along with a lot of other Americans value the life of a U.S. soldier more than they do the life of an unborn American child.

Yesterday as I spoke on the phone, the conversation that I just told you about came up. The person on the phone said, “And what people don’t realize and forget is that the guys that are over there right now in Iraq, half of their generation didn’t make it – they were aborted…”

John Kerry has asked the American people “to judge me by my record…” So now let us take him up on his word and judge him by his record.

Thanks to modern day technology judging a candidate by his/her record is easier than ever. Just go online to Project Vote Smart (, type in the last name of the candidate you are researching and voila, everything you want to know! Or you can just go to this URL: that will take you directly to John Kerry’s record. I urge you to click on “Voting Record” – then you will be able to effectively judge him by his record.

When I explored his abortion voting record I discovered, from his record, that by voting for John Kerry I would not be voting to save life. He has consistently voted in favor of the legal destruction of unborn humans.

President Bush, on the other hand, has consistently fought for the rights of the unborn. On April 23, 2004 the Family Research Council’s website reported, “President Bush has never wavered on the abortion issue. From reinstating the Mexico City policy (which bans U.S. funding of foreign abortions), to allowing states to provide government-subsidized health care to fetuses, to signing the Partial Birth Abortion ban and the Unborn Victims of Violence Act into law, the President has consistently fought for the rights of the unborn.”

In John Kerry’s democratic presidential nomination acceptance speech he talked about freedom, restoring democracy, and the choices involved in elections. “They should remember the great idea of freedom for which so many have given their lives. Our purpose now is to reclaim democracy itself. We are here to affirm that when Americans stand up and speak their minds and say America can do better, that is not a challenge to patriotism; it is the heart and soul of patriotism … My fellow citizens, elections are about choices. And choices are about values. In the end, it's not just policies and programs that matter; the president who sits at that desk must be guided by principle.”

In other words John Kerry thinks he is just the man to bring our country back to what it was founded to be. There's only one problem. Our founding father’s valued human life. What is human life?

Sadly today human life is something to be treated as entirely expendable and entirely a matter of convenience. However it wasn’t always this way. There was a time, not long ago, when human life was valued. When the founding threads of our nation were being drafted – human life and preservation were precious principles. In 1776 when Thomas Jefferson penned our sacred Declaration of Independence, he wrote “all men are created equal” and “endowed … with certain unalienable rights” and among these rights “life” was the first listed. Why was life the first listed? Because life is essential for us to enjoy and exercise any of the other rights we are most humbly granted as American citizens. Thomas Jefferson also wrote “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government.” As you can see – our nation was rooted deeply in the belief of human life being something valuable and worth protecting.

Nothing happens over night – all of this is the result of a domino effect. I wonder, how will my children view human life? We can make a difference now; we can change how our generation views human life, therefore preserving the sanctity and value of God’s gift of life – for our future generations. How can we do that? What actions can we take? As voting American citizens – we have a voice. When we consider a candidate and go to the polls – we need to evaluate more than just whether or not this candidate will boost our economy. We need to know what value the candidate places on human life

Did You Know?
Abortion deaths each year outnumber American casualties in all our wars combined.More than a million abortions every year is a staggeringly high figure, especially when one considers that the number of unborn babies who die every year from abortion is higher than all American casualties from the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I & II, the Korean War, Vietnam, Persian Gulf Wars, and Operation Iraqi Freedom combined.

Abortions 1.5 million/year
Operation Iraqi Freedom - Less than 1,000
Gulf War - Less than 200
Vietnam War - 58,151
Korean War - 54,246
WW II - 407,316
WW I - 116,708
Civil War - 498,332
Revolutionary Wars - 25,324
Total War Deaths: 1,044,569

I am not saying that a U.S. Soldier is more or less valuable than an unborn child. What I am saying is, if you value human life, then let us value all of life - born and unborn. I think Dr. Seuss summed it up quite well in his book Horton Hears a Who, when he said: “Because, after all, a person's a person, no matter how small.

Please feel free to send this to all your friends.
You can contact Crystal Broyles via E-mail:

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Kerry is an interesting contrast...

who is the real John Kerry?

I know many people who just believe Bush is incompetent and Kerry is the best qualified source, and many of these people are highly qualified individuals.

John Kerry has served in combat, prosecuted as a lawyer, served as a Lietenant Governor, and a Senator...

The man's no slouch...

What Would Kerry Do?

He talks a good game, but Kerry won't find it easy to convince voters he'd be a better commander in the war on terror

By Richard Wolffe and Susannah Meadows

Aug. 16 issue - While the president gets briefed in his high-tech Sit Room deep in the West Wing's basement, John Kerry's intel sessions are a much more makeshift affair. Seven hours after the White House offered to brief him, Kerry, who'd been unwilling to bump any campaign events, was finally parked in one place long enough so that a secure phone line could be set up in his bus. After playing softball with firefighters and autoworkers in Taylor, Mich., Kerry boarded his bus next to the field, and, still wearing his TEAM KERRY jersey, heard what lay behind last week's terror warnings. While his aides described the call as simply "informative," the glimpse into the top-secret intel made its political mark all the same. Kerry tiptoed warily around the warning, and kept his distance from Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor, who accused the Bush administration of manipulating the warning to help boost the president's re-election bid. Kerry wasn't always so respectful. Standing beside Dean six months ago, he reacted with scorn to a previous Orange alert. "The president is actually playing for the culture of fear in our country," he said in a televised debate in Iowa.

Whatever his change of tone, Kerry's campaign remains deeply critical of the president's war on terror. His aides say the president has failed to secure the homeland by spending too little on firefighters, port security, or protecting nuclear and chemical plants. Kerry's advisers blame the shortfall in part on the fact that the areas facing the biggest threat—the corridors connecting Boston to Washington, Chicago to Detroit, and Seattle to San Diego—vote Democratic. "If they really looked at where the threats were, they'd be spending money in areas that are not their base," says Rand Beers, Kerry's national-security adviser, who previously served in the Bush White House as its counterterrorism director.

What would Kerry do differently in the fight against Al Qaeda? He wants to double the number of Special Forces and spies. He also wants to deploy a bigger international force to secure Afghanistan, not least in Al Qaeda and Taliban territory on the border with Pakistan. He also might scrap the color-coded alert system—aides say it's become ineffective—for a new one that incorporates more specific information about what precautions people should take. Beyond military force, Kerry wants to win the war of ideas in the Arab and Islamic world, with stronger trade and improved educational programs.

While the president talks about stopping the spread of weapons of mass destruction, Kerry wants to spend more money, and sign new international agreements, to secure loose nukes. While the president talks about closing down terrorist finances, Kerry wants to name and shame uncooperative banks and countries—and even shut them out of U.S. markets. And where Bush would create an intelligence director outside the White House and the cabinet, Kerry says he would give the new czar full power to control funding and personnel across the intel community.
He may talk tough, but Kerry still faces his biggest challenge convincing voters he'd be a better commander in the war on terror than Bush. Polls show the president holding a double-digit lead over Kerry on terrorism and homeland security. And the Bush campaign is relentlessly attacking Kerry's Senate record, accusing him of missing intel committee meetings and proposing to cut intel spending a decade ago. For Kerry, that leaves little room for maneuvering. While his aides dodged the media's questions about the move to Code Orange, Kerry criticized Bush for lingering in a Florida classroom on the morning of 9/11. Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani shot back by accusing Kerry of being "indecisive" and taking his cues from filmmaker Michael Moore. With or without a secure phone line, Kerry knows he'll need a better connection if he's going to beat the man who runs the Sit Room on the terror front.

© 2004 Newsweek, Inc.


Classic Food for Thought Updated -- 'What Country Is This' & Kerry's Record



This is not a new message, but a reminder of why we now haveover-deployed our National Guard and Reserve Units.


Sen. John Kerry, Democrat from Massachusetts says he is the strongestPresidential Candidate on National Defense ! He said Check the Record...We Did !Here is what we learned:He voted to kill the Bradley Fighting VehicleHe voted to kill the M-1 Abrams TankHe voted to kill every Aircraft carrier laid down from 1988 He voted to kill the Aegis anti aircraft system He voted to Kill the F-15(E) Strike Eagle He voted to Kill the Block 60 F-16He voted to Kill the P-3 Orion upgradeHe voted to Kill the B-1He voted to Kill the B-2He voted to Kill the Patriot anti-Missile systemHe voted to Kill the F/A-18He voted to Kill the B-2 (twice)He voted to Kill the F-117He voted to kill every military appropriation for the development anddeployment of every weapons systems since 1988, including a bill forbattle armor (vests) for our troops.It is most likely, with Sen. John Kerry as President and Commander inChief of our Armed Services, that they will cease to function, makingit impossible for our country to protect itself. John Kerry voted to kill all anti-terrorism activities of each and everyagency of the U.S. Government.He voted to cut the funding of the FBI by 60%.He voted to cut the funding for the CIA by 80%.He voted to cut the funding for the NSA by 80%.THEN, and this is abhorrent to almost every American Voter be youDemocrat, Republican or Independent, he voted to increase OUR fundingfor U.N operations by 800% !!Ask yourself, Is THIS the person you want as President of these UnitedStates, providing for the common defense of the nation and being theleader of the free world ?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Voting history can be accessed through Senate voting records, all in the public domain. Theabove is an accurate summary.

Thomas W. FoxQuantiTech Support to the Utility Helicopter PMOVoice: (256) 313-0757Pager: (256) 535-7930

This came through on my e-mail - I found it to be rather interesting. Let us take John Kerry up on his word - and judge him by his record. I encourage you to go and do some research! -Crystal

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Socialism is on the way?
By Crystal Broyles, August, 4, 2004

How do you see America – is it the land of opportunity or a land of equality for all? For countless individuals since before Thomas Jefferson drafted our sacred Declaration of Independence, people wanting a better life have immigrated to this land that is now the United States of America. Why? Because the opportunities in America are not the same for everyone however we all have equal access to opportunity. For instances – a immigrant from Poland isn’t going to come to America and set up a restaurant making Mexican food. What?! The Polish making Mexican food?! Stop. I want you to think about that. Why is it that Polish immigrants don’t come to America to own Mexican food restaurants and Hispanic people do not come to America to sell Polish foods? Once again, because the opportunities in America are not the same for everyone however we all have equal access to opportunity. For the same reason Polish immigrants do not own Mexican food restaurants; we do not all have the same health care providers, we have different living standards, personal values and cultures. We are America – the Land of Opportunity.

Let’s take a look at what John Kerry and John Edwards see when they see an America where in which they are President and Vice President. The other night as I sat listening to Vice Presidential Democratic candidate John Edwards, I said to myself, “John Edwards is a great speaker and he sure sounds nice … but how could his and Kerry’s “plan” be enacted without destroying the United States?” What does the Kerry/Edwards “plan” consists of? Let’s take a look at some highlights of their “plan”.

Their “plan” will do away with:

1. The “two health care systems” that we are currently subjected to.
2. The “two school systems”.
3. “Two economies”.

Now obviously there are more than two health care systems and two school systems ect. in the United States, I am just quoting John Edwards. However the Kerry/Edwards agenda is clear; they want to take away the gap between the rich and the poor. This will be done by making all American’s equal. We will have equal jobs, educations, health care, …

There is a startling comparison to be found if we look back into history at the former Soviet Union. The suppressed socialistic nation of the U.S.S.R. was brought about by making all its citizens – equal. The Kerry/Edwards team has a vision for America and that vision is equality to all and for all. Their politics are the same politics that left detrimental results to people of the Soviet Union.

Michael Ferris, President of Patrick Henry College was lecturing last week about leaders. In this lecture he spoke about how those who are great leaders understand and know the past through studying history. The reason why it is so important for leaders to know history is to prevent the same failures that others before you have committed.

Last week during the Democratic National Convention there were many speeches made and quite a few stories told within these speeches. When John Kerry formally accepted his nomination as the Democratic Presidential Nominee, he gave a speech and told some stories. One of the stories was about how as a child living overseas he rode his bike into Berlin, an area he was not permitted to ride his bicycle into and as a result his father punished him for his actions. Mind you at this time in history the Berlin wall still stood and the Russians were still suffering greatly. John Kerry has seen the results of “equality for all” with his very own eyes. Mr. Kerry has not learned from history – how can he lead our nation?

The Kerry/Edwards team has a “plan” and all John Edwards wants us to know is, in his own words “hope is on the way … for our one America” Now let me ask you, is this the America that you see and want?

Why Not?!
By Crystal Broyles, July 28, 2004

On Tuesday July the 27th at the Democratic National Convention Teresa Heinz Kerry said: “There is a value in taking a stand even if nobody notices…” This is true for the gays, and for the lesbians, for the atheists, and those that are anti Ten Commandments, those who support embryonic stem cell research, abortionists, pro-choice advocates, feminists and on and on the list goes with the liberal lefts. All of the individuals in these groups are advocates. For what? For their causes.

Then we have the “evangelical” Bible believing Christians and the conservatives. What are they doing? What is their center point of activism? What are they advocating? The other week my mother called our church and spoke to one of the leaders in the church. She was excited and wanted to get the youth group on board educating the community about the presidential candidates and encouraging voter registration and participation. The reply she received was, “No, we [the church] don’t get involved in that.” Now I must ask, “Why not?!” The gays and lesbians have a voice! The atheists have a voice! The pro-choice supporters have a voice! The feminists have a voice! The liberal left have a voice and they are all actively pushing their anti God – liberal agenda.

Teresa Heinz Kerry marveled and wowed the crowds of the Democratic National Convention last night as she spoke. Toward the closing of her speech she was talking about the “morals” her husband would bring to the White House. Among these morals she said, “It is a moral nation that leads through the power of its ideals...” She never once acknowledged God … that is until the close of her speech she said, “God bless America”. When are we as American’s going to stop requesting that God bless us and instead us as American’s bless God?

American revivalist, Charles Finney said, “It seems at times as if the foundations of our nation are rotten, and Christians seem to act as if they think God does not see what they do in politics. But I tell you He does see, and he will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics.”

When are the conservative Christians going to stop being political pacifists and start being political activists?

Once again to quote Mrs. Kerry, “It is a moral nation that leads through the power of its ideals...” If John Kerry is elected president on November 2nd our nation will be lead by ideals - not the living God ... that is a Kerry ran nation, is it yours?