Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Socialism is on the way?
By Crystal Broyles, August, 4, 2004

How do you see America – is it the land of opportunity or a land of equality for all? For countless individuals since before Thomas Jefferson drafted our sacred Declaration of Independence, people wanting a better life have immigrated to this land that is now the United States of America. Why? Because the opportunities in America are not the same for everyone however we all have equal access to opportunity. For instances – a immigrant from Poland isn’t going to come to America and set up a restaurant making Mexican food. What?! The Polish making Mexican food?! Stop. I want you to think about that. Why is it that Polish immigrants don’t come to America to own Mexican food restaurants and Hispanic people do not come to America to sell Polish foods? Once again, because the opportunities in America are not the same for everyone however we all have equal access to opportunity. For the same reason Polish immigrants do not own Mexican food restaurants; we do not all have the same health care providers, we have different living standards, personal values and cultures. We are America – the Land of Opportunity.

Let’s take a look at what John Kerry and John Edwards see when they see an America where in which they are President and Vice President. The other night as I sat listening to Vice Presidential Democratic candidate John Edwards, I said to myself, “John Edwards is a great speaker and he sure sounds nice … but how could his and Kerry’s “plan” be enacted without destroying the United States?” What does the Kerry/Edwards “plan” consists of? Let’s take a look at some highlights of their “plan”.

Their “plan” will do away with:

1. The “two health care systems” that we are currently subjected to.
2. The “two school systems”.
3. “Two economies”.

Now obviously there are more than two health care systems and two school systems ect. in the United States, I am just quoting John Edwards. However the Kerry/Edwards agenda is clear; they want to take away the gap between the rich and the poor. This will be done by making all American’s equal. We will have equal jobs, educations, health care, …

There is a startling comparison to be found if we look back into history at the former Soviet Union. The suppressed socialistic nation of the U.S.S.R. was brought about by making all its citizens – equal. The Kerry/Edwards team has a vision for America and that vision is equality to all and for all. Their politics are the same politics that left detrimental results to people of the Soviet Union.

Michael Ferris, President of Patrick Henry College was lecturing last week about leaders. In this lecture he spoke about how those who are great leaders understand and know the past through studying history. The reason why it is so important for leaders to know history is to prevent the same failures that others before you have committed.

Last week during the Democratic National Convention there were many speeches made and quite a few stories told within these speeches. When John Kerry formally accepted his nomination as the Democratic Presidential Nominee, he gave a speech and told some stories. One of the stories was about how as a child living overseas he rode his bike into Berlin, an area he was not permitted to ride his bicycle into and as a result his father punished him for his actions. Mind you at this time in history the Berlin wall still stood and the Russians were still suffering greatly. John Kerry has seen the results of “equality for all” with his very own eyes. Mr. Kerry has not learned from history – how can he lead our nation?

The Kerry/Edwards team has a “plan” and all John Edwards wants us to know is, in his own words “hope is on the way … for our one America” Now let me ask you, is this the America that you see and want?


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