Sunday, April 05, 2009

Be Creative! An Open letter to the Auto Makers of America

Why are we bailing out the auto makers and punishing them at
the same time?

Yes -- bailing them out and punishing them at the same time.

Bailing them out, was nothing more than setting them up for a
seriously rough failure.

The auto makers need to start thinking outside the box and STOP
waiting for us to bail them out. I mean how insane is this current
situation? American's weren't buying enough cars and executives
weren't managing their companies well enough, so they ask
Congress to give them our tax payer dollars and BAM just like that,
they think they're set.


There is a flaw.

Within a matter of months, they are in the same situation BUT
this time, the government isn't going to bail them out (at least
not yet).


Ironically, American's still aren't buying...

But why aren't we buying? Consider this for a moment:
The majority of Americans have bad credit. So even if they
have a job and can afford a car, thereby meeting the standard
requirements advertised by dealerships, they still can get a car.
Why? The dealerships and auto makers are NOT the ones
FINANCING the saleof the vehicle; it's the banks!

Now look at this situation from the eyes of the bank:
I am financing a car to someone with some form of credit (good,
poor, bad, whatever) who wants a car from an auto maker I don't
even know if they will exist a year from now and if they do exist, what
that will look like AND who knows if this person will have a job 6
months from now.

The auto makers are making all kinds of bold claims. Some are
even saying they will make your payments if you lose your job.

Wait a minuet.

If you are willing to make my payments if I lose my job, why aren't
you willing to be the bank and finance the sell of my car?


If the auto makers really want to survive this economy they need to
change their current business models and be willing to get their
hands dirty and if that means sucking it up and being the bank, then
so be it.

Adapt to the market. Meet the markets needs. Flourish!